Need Healing From Musculoskeletal Pain?


What are you searching for?  FREEDOM FROM PAIN? HEALING?

Pain is the worst condition a person could experience. People will put life on the line to get to an appointment for pain. Would they do the same thing for diabetes or high blood pressure? No. But what do people in pain have to deal with? The stigma of being called a “drug addict”, not able to find a doctor, having their medicines suddenly stopped causing withdrawal and increased anxiety. The increased anxiety leads to more pain and even addiction…

Our government just doesn’t want you to know that, because our economy is based on keeping people sick, feeding the hospital and Big Pharma industries and then hoping people will die before age 65. Do you want to be one of those people, or do you want to break free, be healthy and live a long, prosperous and healthy life?

Cause of Musculoskeletal Pain

Pain doesn’t just happen. And most musculoskeletal pain is not cause by bones pushing on nerves. This is conventional misinformation passed on for years without any empiric basis.

Do you want to be better?

Do you want to be healthier?

Do you want better for your family?

Then first, you must be healthy!

Health = Wealth

“Half of what they teach in medical school is wrong…

and we dont know which half.” — Professor in medical school


The injury that you blame for the pain is just the last straw to make your body complain.

Pain is set up by:

  • Acidification of the body.
  • Demineralization of the body.
  • Toxification of the body.

The cause of the pain can be fixed by reversing these processes.


Alkaline diet


Calcium/magnesium/vitamin D supplement


Fix toxification with cleansing in addiction to avoiding toxins.

The manner in which pain is set up is:

  1. Eating an acidifying diet (Standard American Diet or SAD) causes the body to lose its calcium from the bones and magnesium from the muscles.
  2. Soft bones and spasming muscles cause joint laxity.
  3. Lax joints leads to joint strain.
  4. Joint strain causes injury to ligaments.
  5. Ligaments inform you of damage through pain.
  6. Conventional medicine ignores ligaments, uses anti-inflammatories which stops healing, and the pain becomes chronic.
  7. Unhealed joints leads to arthritis, disc herniation.

Want to Be Free of Pain?

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